Anupam Roy has four films in his kitty

Kolkata’s popular singer-songwriter Anupam Roy is back in his town after his long US tour during Puja. He, along with his band, travelled to eight cities between October 1 and October 24.
“By far, this is our longest US tour. Earlier, we had been to six or seven cities. We also documented the trips and posted them on social media that garnered huge views,” he said.
Anupam said the best part was that he met real fans of his music. “Nowadays, even the new songs reach Bengalis faster than one would imagine. So, be it Agomonir Gaan, Shanto Hao or Alotey Alotey Dhaka, there were requests for all,” he said.
Among the highlights of the trip, Anupam said that he watched a broadway musical for the first time. “In New York, we watched Frozen and my entire team were amazed by the production. They all loved it. We also watched the live concert of American band Steely Dan.