Anti-plastic campaign held at DU


In an attempt to create awareness about the hazardous impact of plastic bags and different types of plastics, a campaign was held on Dhaka University (DU) campus.
With the slogan “Dhaka is our home, keep our home clean”, the campaign started at 10am from Raju Memorial Sculpture and ended at Teacher-Student Center (TSC) at 2pm recently with the initiative of a non-government organisation called ‘AGROHO’.
Teachers of Department of Development Studies, DU, students of different departments, AGROHO members and some street children participated in the event.
The participants of the campaign removed various types of discarded plastic materials and polythene bags from the premises of Fine Arts Faculty, Suhrawardy Udyan, Dhaka University Library, Arts Building, Shaheed Minar and Curzon Hall, said a press release.
While addressing the programme, Professor Dr Abu Eusuf of Department of Development Studies said by appreciating the noble initiative that will contribute towards sensitizing citizens on the adverse effect of using plastic.
“Only raising awareness among the people on the usage of plastic, especially polythene bags, can save the country from the devastating threat of environment pollution,” he added.
Prof Dr Tiabur Rahman of Department of Development Studies said collaborative effort is needed to fight against plastic pollution. Dalia Rahman, Chairperson of AGROHO, said the city dwellers threw around 14 million polythene bags everyday in the city which are causing blockage the entire sewerage systems resulting in water logging during the rainy season.
