Anti-militancy bodies harassing partymen: BNP

Staff Reporter :
The BNP on Monday alleged that the government is harassing the partymen in the name of fight against militancy.
“The ruling party is harassing BNP and its associate bodies and activists in the name of resisting militancy. The government has formed administrative committees to fight militancy in different districts by only Awami League leaders. They use the committees as tools to oppress BNP men,” BNP standing committee member Nazrul Islam Khan said it in a press briefing at the party’s Nayapaltan office.
The BNP leader said the such move of the government was covering up the real offenders and encouraging them.
The BNP leader said, their many leaders and activists were arrested in different districts, including Thakurgaon, Satkhira and Feni.
He also demanded to the government to stop arresting of his party men in false cases.
Nazrul Islam Khan claimed that the government has ruined the prospect of a mass resistance against militancy and terrorism by
ignoring BNP Chairperson’s call for forging a national unity and blaming the opposition for the terror attacks.
The BNP leader said, their party has been working to mobilise public opinion against militancy and terrorism.
He demanded to forge a national unity to the government to resist militants.
Nazrul Islam Khan also claimed that the government was failed to rule the country properly and demand immediate national polls.
Mentioning that the Prime Minister at a programme in Canada said her government has been showing zero tolerance against repression on women, Nazrul said the day she made the comment the same day news of woman repression by an MP’s son in Satkhira surfaced in different newspapers.
BNP central leader Shamsuzzaman Dudu, Syed Emran Saleh Prince, Abdus Salam Azad and Taiful Islam Tipu, among others, were present in the press briefing.