‘Anti-liberation forces hatching new conspiracy to distort history’


Awami League Advisory Council Member Amir Hossain Amu, MP, said anti-liberation forces are hatching new conspiracies to distort the history of liberation war and independence.
“Those who destroyed the liberation war spirit through the assassination of Bangabandhu and do not believe in the country’s independence, they are now out to distort the country’s history,” he said.
Amu said this on Wednesday while chairing a virtual discussion of the central 14-party alliance on the occasion of the historic March 7.
The veteran politician said Bangabandhu in his March 7 speech outlined the roadmap of attaining the independence.
Those, who want to deny the significant truth, they will be thrown in the dumping place of the history, he added.
Speaking on the occasion, Awami League Advisory Council Member Tofail Ahmed said described the observance of the historic March 7 by those who used to impede the dissemination and playing of the historic March 7 speech in the past as politically motivated.
Workers Party President Rashed Khan Menon underscored the need for presenting Bangabandhu’s political philosophy, non-communal beliefs and patriotism to the nation in a proper manner.
Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal President Hasanul Haq Inu said BNP-Jamaat is out to distort the country’s history in a newer way by practicing the partial history in the name of observing March 7.
AL Liberation War Affairs Secretary Mrinal Kanti Das moderated the discussion while AL Joint General Secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif, Samyabadi Dal General Secretary Dilip Barua, Tariqat Federation Chairman Mawlana Najibul Bashar Maizbhandari and Gono Azadi League President SK Shikder addressed it, among others.
