Anti-liberation forces blamed for attacking foreigners


Food Minister Advocate Quamrul Islam said that the anti-liberation forces have been launching attacks on foreigners to destabilise the country.
“Those who didn’t want independence of the country and those who unleashed fire-terrorism have now been launching attacks on foreigners to destabilise the state,” he said.
Quamrul Islam said this on Thursday while speaking as the chief guest at an anti-hartal demonstration in front of the Jatiya Press Club.
Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jote organised the demonstration with its general secretary Arun Sarker Rana in the chair.
State Minister for Women and Children’s affairs Meher Afroze Chumki, former state minister for home affairs Advocate Shamsul Huq Tuku, Talukdar Mohammad Yunus, MP, Dhaka City Awami League organising secretary Shahe Alam Murad and a vocalist of Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendro Monoranjan Ghoshal spoke at the rally, among others.
Quamrul Islam said that BNP has not given any reaction over the verdict handed down against two top war criminals as the party has been hatching a new conspiracy against the ongoing war crimes trial.
He called upon all the pro-liberation and progressive forces to remain prepared to resist together the anti-state conspiracy of the BNP-Jamaat combine.
Meher Afroze Chumki said the government is determined to ensure punishment to all the killers of 1971 (war criminals) one after another.
“Those who fought against the country have no right to stay here. It’s really ridiculous that countrywide hartal call has been given to save those who killed people indiscriminately in 1971.
It should be looked into thoroughly as to how they dare to indulge in such activities,” she said. “The BNP-Jamaat combine wants to come to power riding on the shoulders of foreigners and that’s why they have been inviting foreign forces here through their heinous activities,” the state minister said urging all to resist such a conspiracy.
