Anti-Human Trafficking Law to be amended: Minister


Industries Minister Amir Hossian Amu on Thursday said the Human Trafficking Prevention and Suppression Act 2012 will be amended with provisions of tougher punishment, aiming to prevent the rising incidents of human trafficking.
The Industries Minister made the disclosure while talking to reporters after a cabinet committee meeting at the Home Ministry. “The law will be amended with provisions of tougher punishment so that the human traffickers involved in the misdeeds cannot avoid punishment,” he said.
Amu also said the mobile court drive against the human traffickers would be strengthened. “Work is going on to identify the human traffickers. Stringent actions will be taken against the criminals after their identification,” he said.
Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Rashed Khan Menon, Shipping Minister Shahjahan Khan, Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu, Expatriate Welfare and Overseas Employment Minister Khandaker Mosharref Hossain and State Minister for Home Asaduzzaman Khan were, among others, present.
