Anti-cancer drug invented

Gazi Anowar :
A drug called ‘Anti Cancer Cell’ to cure cancer was invented by a Bangladeshi scientist Md Abu Saleh living in Narayanganj city.
“I have three success stories in applying the drugs on human body,” claimed Abu Saleh to The New Nation recently and showed some diagnostic reports of three cancer patients.
He also claimed that the three persons have been fully recovered by using the drug invented by him.
Abu Saleh, a B SC (Mac and Pro) and Diploma in Medical Science, is currenly working as a Consultant Scientist in a physics research organisation namely Centre for Strategic and Peace Study (CSPC).
 His research works on cancer were tested in the Pharmacology Department of the Bangladesh Council of Science and Industrial
 Research (BCSIR). His discovery has proved that the drug can cure cancer.
The science lab again tested the drug whether it is effective or not. The Acute Toxicity Test of the Anti-Cancer drug has been certified by the Science Lab as 100 per cent safe.
The drug is consistent with the formation method of blood particles. As a result, there has been no short or long-term side effect of the using the drug, demanded the scientist.
A cancer patient needs only four to six months to cure, said Saleh.
According to his claim, if a patient comes under this treatment after receiving chemotherapy, the patient will have to take full treatment course for eight to six months.
“It could be manufactured as a pharmaceuticals drug but it needs overall cooperation from the government,” said the researcher.