Anti-adulterated food drive continues in Khulna


BSS, Khulna :
The bazaar monitoring committee of Khulna City Corporation (KCC) is continuing its drive against selling of adulterated food items and other essential commodities at different kitchen markets in the city during the holy month of Ramzan.
As part of the move, the monitoring committee led by Executive Magistrate Ebadul Haque conducted several drives from morning to evening at different kitchen markets in the city yesterday.
The committee did not find any adulteration like formalin and carbides at fish, meat, vegetables and fruits at City’s Sandhya Bazar, Daulatpur, Chitrali, New Market and Boro Bazar Kitchen Markets.
During the drive, they found that the price lists of essential commodities have been displayed both at wholesale and retail markets and major shops.
While talking to KCC Bazar Super Gazi Salahuddin told BSS “We did not find any adulteration excepting formalin mixing fruits Malta during the drive on first and second day of Ramzan.” The drive will continue throughout the holy month of Ramzan, he said.
President of KCC’s Market price observation, monitoring and controlling standing committee women ward councilor Rabeya Fahid Hasna Hena, senior veterinary surgeon Dr. Md. Rezaul Haque, veterinary surgeon Dr. Peru Gopal Biswas, Bazar Super Gazi Salauddin, vice-president of Daulatpur Kitchen Market Md. Aslam and Sanitary Inspectors, among others, were present during the drive.
