Anthrax-panic should be mitigated soon


THE news regarding outbreaks of anthrax has started creating panic among the people again. It was reported yesterday in the New Nation that at least eleven persons had been infected with anthrax in a village in Tangail district. Those persons were involved in processing the cow’s meat. Some of them had eaten the meat too. The apparent reason of their sickness was an anthrax-infected slaughtered cow. They are now undergoing treatment in a health complex where the doctors detected anthrax in their bodies. A special medical team has been formed to this regard. As a precautionary measure about 500 cattle have so far been vaccinated soon after getting the information about anthrax. Besides, the Upazila officials have started to hold awareness meetings with the villagers.
This incident in a village of Tangail will naturally create panic among the people of the country, as the holy Eid-ul-Azha will be observed in the first week of October. On this occasion Muslims buy lakhs of cows to slaughter and offer qurbani for the satisfaction of Allah. Qurbani means sacrifice for Allah. Hence the Eid-ul-Azha becomes a very important period for the cattle business too. Lakhs of cattle, including mainly cows, goats and lambs are sold and purchased during this Eid festival. It also contributes significantly to the national economy. Since the Eid-ul- Azha is a big occasion for cattle business, the news of anthrax ahead of the ensuing Eid would certainly discourage all, especially the businessmen. The Muslims of the country would also be worried and discouraged as offering qurbani might become impossible for them. In brief, the cattle business might come to a halt, which would eventually affect the national economy. It is mentionable that a good number of peasants invest to buy and nourish cattle and wait for the Eid-ul-Azha to sell and make money to maintain their families. If the anthrax panic continues, those peasants will face heavy and irrecoverable losses.
So the government should act immediately to handle the situation. Awareness campaign could be a very fruitful means to do so. People should be informed that anthrax does not spread directly from one infected human or animal to another, rather it spreads through spores. Usually the anthrax bacteria affect a human body if he/she touches any infected cow or animal, or eats its meat. Hence there is no reason for panic regarding the disease. The government should also engage the Livestock Department to give vaccines to the cattle, which would be brought in the market before the Eid. The process of vaccination should be started immediately to save the people and the national economy.
