Another war’: Afghan flees Russian bombs in Ukraine


After leaving Afghanistan a year ago, Ajmal Rahmani believed he had found a haven of peace in Ukraine. This week, he and his family had to flee again-this time to Poland to the sounds of Russian bombs.
“I run from one war, come to another country and another war starts. Verybad luck,” Rahmani told AFP shortly after crossing into Poland. nHis seven-year-old daughter Marwa clutched a beige-coloured soft toy dog as Rahmani spoke.
Together with Marwa, his wife Mina and son Omar, 11, the family walked the last 30 kilometres (19 miles) to the crossing on foot because of the gridlock on the Ukrainian side of the border. After arriving at the Medyka on the Polish side, the family waited with other refugees for a bus that will take them to the nearby city of Przemysl.
Tens of thousands of people have fled during the four days of conflict into neighbouring countries, mainly Poland, Hungary and Romania.
While most of the refugees are Ukrainian, among them are also students and migrant workers from further afield, including Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, India and Nepal.
‘I lost everything’, said Rahmani, who is in his 40s, said he worked for NATO in Afghanistan for 18 years at Kabul airport. He decided to leave the country four months before the US withdrawalbecause he received threats and was so scared he kept his children out of school.
