Another Bangladesh national among nine taken hostage by ISIS in Libya


Another Bangladeshi has been identified among the nine foreign nationals terrorist group ISIS has abducted in Libya. The foreign ministry earlier on Monday said Helal Uddin, passport number B0156553, of Jamalpur district was the only Bangladesh national taken hostageon Friday when gunmen invaded the Al-Ghani oil field south of Libya’s Sirte city. On Tuesday, it said, Mohammad Anowar Hossain, who was earlier known as a Sudanese national, was in fact a Bangladeshi. AE 3630754 is his passport number and he hailed from Noakhali district. Anowar’s identification was confirmed by a Bangladeshi working in a neighbouring oil field. ISIS militants killed 11 guards, several of whom were beheaded, when they invaded the oilfield. The terrorist group hogged the spotlight last year by announcing a ‘Caliphate’ after seizing vast swathes of Iraq and Syria after al Qaeda’s activities ebbed due to heavy attack from the West. The radical Sunni jihadist group is believed to have killed several thousand people since it emerged in April 2013. This two were the first known Bangladeshis to be abducted by them. Libyan foreign ministry informed the Bangladesh mission in Tripoli that they were trying “heart and soul to rescue them”. The foreign ministry said 21 Bangladeshis employed in another neighbouring oil field were taken “to safe places”. The Bangladesh embassy is maintaining “constant vigil” after the incident.–
