Annual Sports of St. Gregory’s School held

Zakaria Pintu, the captain of Swadhin Bangla Football Team inaugurating the Annual Sports of St. Gregory's School at the school premises in the city's Luxmibazar on Friday.
Zakaria Pintu, the captain of Swadhin Bangla Football Team inaugurating the Annual Sports of St. Gregory's School at the school premises in the city's Luxmibazar on Friday.
Sports Reporter :
The Annual Sports of St. Gregory’s School, the renowned educational institution was held at the school premises at Luxmibazar Friday.
Zakaria Pintu, the captain of Swadhin Bangla Football Team graced the occasion as the chief guest while Brother Prodip Placid Gomez CSC, the headmaster of the school presided over the programme.
Zakaria Pintu urged the students to acquire knowledge about the Liberation War and the struggle of the freedom fighters towards the independence of the country. ‘Nowadays, it appears to me that the new generation are not properly informed about the Liberation War, I believe the students of St. Gregory’s School will acquire the in-depth knowledge of it and build the country’ said Pintu.
Brother Prodip emphasised upon the sports in addition to the regular studies. ‘Without proper mind sets it is not possible to acquire knowledge, sports helps a student to acquire the proper mind set up’, said the headmaster.
A large number of students participated in the meet that’s preliminary phase started one week ago.