Animals died for criminal negligence in Gazipur Safari Park


Recent newspaper reports said after losing almost a dozen zebra and a tiger in a span of just four weeks, an African lioness died on Thursday last at the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park in Gazipur suffering from illness for six months. We’re surprised that Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change did not take any effective measures to save the innocent animals. In specifically if we say about the lioness, she was undergoing treatment without proper care of any skilled surgeon while surgical operation was necessary to save her life. Earlier, 11 zebras and a tiger died at the same park between January 2 and January 29. Especially, the death of zebras still remains mysterious, stirring widespread speculation. Though safari park officials attributed the zebras’ deaths to a combination of a bacterial outbreak and fights among themselves, the local MP claimed that the zebras had been “killed” by safari park officials “due to internal conflicts”.

It was a very shocking news but it did not create any impact on the mind of our government high-ups or members of civil society. Even the animal lovers who often remain highly vocal for the death of stray dogs and cats, they also did not raise their voice against the crimes. Most of the time we see that whenever such incidents happen, the superior authority takes action against it by transferring some junior officials or suspending two or three of them. It serves two purposes – one is suppressing the facts and another one is their skin remains safe. In reality, this method encourages and nourishes the crime and corruption. This time is also not an exception. Assistant Forest Conservator and Safari Park Veterinary Officer have been removed while the project director was relieved with replacing another one.

The government earns huge amount of revenue every year from the safari parks, zoos and other recreational places. Thousands of people go there along with their families to see the animals, birds, snakes, etcetera. These are also learning places, from where general people can learn the life style of the jungle citizens. Whereas we often get news about big-scale corruption and irregularities regarding purchase of food, medicine and other essentials for these animals. It is really a big question whether the officials concerned have any idea about animal psychology. For these animals of the zoos, safari parks are nothing but prisons. But the officials do not feel shame in stealing their food or making fake vouchers in the name of treatment. So, several animals die in our country’s zoos and parks in starvation. We must say these are serious crimes and these should be dealt with strong hand. This is also a chance for the high-ups to prove themselves better than the poor animals.
