Animal resource sector needs sustainable development


BSS, Rajshahi :
Speakers at a seminar have unequivocally called for substantial and sustainable development of the country’s animal resource sector through removing its existing problems to face the nation’s protein deficiency.
To build a healthy and stronger nation, equal importance towards boosting production of both food grains and animal resources has become an urgent need and there is no alternative to it, they viewed.
Bangladesh Livestock Society (BLS) organised the seminar styled “Present Context of Poultry and Livestock Development” held at a restaurant in the city on Monday afternoon.
Vice-chancellor of Rajshahi University Prof Mijanuddin and its Pro-VC Prof Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan addressed the seminar as chief and special guests respectively with Shah Jamal, Divisional Deputy Director of Department of Animal Resource, in the chair.
In his keynote presentation, Prof Dr Jalal Uddin Sarder, President of BLS, put forward a 34-point demand for development of the sector.
Prof Mijan Uddin said: “Animal resources could be developed through strengthening the economic management. Information, specialised knowledge and research are needed. All concerned should come forward for flourishing the poultry and animal resource sector”.
He added that the contribution of the livestock sector is immense in terms of meeting up the protein deficiency and socio economic development and said there is no alternative to elevate the sector.
Prof Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan stressed the need for uplifting the livestock sector for food security, self-employment and poverty reduction. He also called for due importance on adopting modern technology, promotion of high yielding varieties and farmers training to overcome the crisis.
Besides, large-scale farming of fodder could further develop the livestock sector to contribute immensely in fulfilling the protein deficiency in the country, he added.
