Bomb victim: Anik sent to Chennai: PM gives Tk 5 lakh for treatment

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday handed over a cheque of financial assistance of Tk five lakh for the treatment of SSC examinee Minhajul Islam Anik who suffered
injuries in a bomb explosion in Feni during the blockade enforced by the BNP-led 20-party alliance.
She handed over the cheque to Anik’s father Mizanur Rahman at the Prime Minister’s Office at noon, PM’s press secretary AKM Shameem Chowdhuri said.
Earlier, the Prime Minister took the responsibility for the treatment of Anik, a 15-year-old student of Feni Government Pilot High School, and directed the authorities concerned to send him abroad for better treatment.
As part of the initiative, Anik is being sent to a famous eye hospital, ‘Shankar Netraloy’, in Chennai, India this afternoon for better treatment.
Anik suffered critical injuries when masked terrorists hurled a crude bomb at him in Khejur Chattar area in Feni town at 4.30 pm on January 5.
Anik and his classmate Shahriar Rhidoy were returning home by a rickshaw from their private tutor’s house at that time.
Various parts of the body of Anik were burnt in the bomb. His both eyes were damaged. He does not see with his right eye, but sees a little with left eye.