Andrew Kishore’s May Day’s song, Farid’s composition


Entertainment Report :
On the occasion of coming May Day, legendary play-back singer Andrew Kishore has rendered a song under noted music composer and director Farid Ahmed’s composition.
Mohammad Rafiquzzaman wrote lyrics of the song titled Shorirta engine khoye jai din din, Riksha chalai ami riksha chalai. Its recording has already been done.
Farid Ahmed said, “As usual lyrics of the song are nice. For the first time under my music composition Andrewda rendered the song in rock style. His rendering style is outstanding. I believe listeners will enjoy the song.”
Andrew Kishore said, “Farid always works sincerely. In case of this song there was more concentration because it has been made for a special day. I have tried my level best. I hope music-lovers will enjoy the song.”
This song will be released on May Day. Now Andrew Kishore is outside the country. Recently Andrew also lent his voice for a song under Kazi Shuvo’s composition. He also appreciated this song.
