Anarchy in the transport system of Bangladesh


Dr Matiur Rahman :
To reach the goal of becoming a developed country, the transport sector is one of the most important factors that experts have repeatedly emphasized to be more disciplined in Bangladesh. Still there is no sign of implementation of a suitable transportation system in Bangladesh like developed countries. Rather, chaos has been created in this sector more repeatedly. Many scholars opine that this sector is now completely under the control of the Mafia (Godfather). They are so powerful that they can shut down the country by any means at any time. We also know of incidents where people were killed by being thrown from the transport, ordinary passengers were dismembered on the bus, and female passengers when found alone, raped and killed by the transport workers. So, this anarchy in the transport sector is a big obstacle to get the developed country status.
Many development plans have been taken to make the country a developed one. Many of which have been implemented. Many projects are under implementation. Projects including Padma Bridge, the pride of the nation, are also on the way to being fully implemented. In addition, the development of the power sector, bridges, culverts, roads, hat bazaars and so on are also eye-catching. There also has been improvement in the socio-economic sector. No one seems to disagree with the development of the country. Because Bangladesh has already joined in the developing country status and plans have been made to make it a developed country by 2041. Due to the Corona pandemic, it may take a year or two more.
The present age is the age of information technology. The fourth industrial revolution started long ago. Our country has also made a lot of progress in this sector. Our speed has increased a lot. But due to lack of proper management in the transport system, our speed is slowing down. Looking at the transport system of Dhaka city, it is visual proof. The way the capital city itself is paralyzed for hours due to various vehicles is not known to happen in any civilized and developed country.
Experts are constantly reporting on the amount of financial loss, health damage and mental pain caused by the anarchic situation of the public transport system in Dhaka metropolis and have given many suggestions and implementation strategies to overcome this situation. But it does not seem to work. The situation is as it was. Rather, it is getting worse day by day. So the pace at which we are trying to move forward is coming to a halt due to the chaos in the transport sector.
The way transport owners and workers have reacted to the recent rise in diesel prices are astonishing. We do not know of any developed and civilized country where strikes have been called and ordinary passengers have been taken hostage without any discussion. According to various statistics, most of the public transport in Dhaka metropolis runs on compressed natural gas. However, due to the increase in the price of diesel, the transports have increased fares doubled or tripled.
When legal action like mobile court set up to stop this, the bus owners and workers stopped all public transport and again caused misery to the ordinary people – which is undesirable and unjust. This situation must end. Therefore, if necessary, the government will have to take a tougher stance without giving any concessions. The suggestions were given by the experts to keep the capital free from traffic congestion should be implemented very soon.
All other vehicles must be stopped within the Dhaka megacity other than passenger buses, school buses, ambulances, government vehicles and vehicles used for transporting goods.Advanced bus service for passenger transport should be introduced only under government management or efficient private management. If required, an area-based bus service can be introduced. Similarly, this system has to be implemented in divisional, district and Upazila towns also.
We have to introduce the culture of getting on the bus. No matter how rich he is, if he has a love for the country, he will accept this arrangement. Because surely they have seen many rich people travelling abroad by bus or train. Many ministers, MPs ride bicycles to the office. Since our country is small, the population is high, roads are narrow, and so it is possible to take the country ahead by introducing a few types of vehicles rather than many types of vehicles. In this case, the help of transport experts and urban experts from home and abroad can be taken. This has to start quickly. Otherwise, the cherished dream of becoming a developed country will be lost. It is not desirable for anyone who has already got a taste of development.

(Dr Matiur Rahman, Research Consultant, Human Development Research Centre, Dhaka)
