Ananya Panday urges all her fans to build Swachh Social Media

Marking the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, actress Ananya Panday launched a new campaign called Swachh Social Media with her digital social responsibility initiative ‘So Positive’ with a resolve to spread positivity across the Social Media and her call is so real, in order to curb social media bullying.
The teen sensation has taken a step forward and pledged for a Swachh Social Media where she has urged her fans to take a pledge for the same. Interestingly, the campaign, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan clocks 5 years today which was launched on Gandhi Jayanti and Ananya Panday has taken the ‘So Positive’ initiative ahead where the Swachh Social Media
campaign is set to take over, now with the most relevant step for one and all.
Ananya Panday took to her social media
and kick-started the Swachh Social Media
campaign with an informative video where she talks about the repercussions of social media bullying and the solution with
a campaign which holds much relevance.