An inception workshop on Project Design Advance (PPA) for Rural Infrastructure Maintenance Programme (RIMP) was held at LGED-REDEC Conference Room, LGED Headquarters, Agargaon in the city yesterday. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Additional Chief Engineer, LGED, inaugurated the workshop as Chief Guest.

An inception workshop on Project Design Advance (PPA) for Rural Infrastructure Maintenance Programme (RIMP) was held at LGED-REDEC Conference Room, LGED Headquarters, Agargaon in the city yesterday. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Additional Chief Engineer, LGED, in
An inception workshop on Project Design Advance (PPA) for Rural Infrastructure Maintenance Programme (RIMP) was held at LGED-REDEC Conference Room, LGED Headquarters, Agargaon in the city yesterday. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Additional Chief Engineer, LGED, in