An ideal learning environment in School

We should know one thing that joyful learning in childhood is a kind of learning process or experience which makes the children feel pleasure in a learning process. It is a powerful concept to change the way of managing schools and classrooms. In joyful l
We should know one thing that joyful learning in childhood is a kind of learning process or experience which makes the children feel pleasure in a learning process. It is a powerful concept to change the way of managing schools and classrooms. In joyful l
Tangina Sultana :
School life is considered the best period of human life. People learn from his childhood in the school and also the character of man is built in school. Children’s right to education is that the school they go to will have a pleasant and learning-friendly environment where they will have an enjoyable time. Teachers will be kind, caring and supportive and children will feel relaxed. No harsh words will be spoken to them and special care will be taken of children with learning disabilities.
But unfortunately that is not the general picture in our schools. Our children are not allowed much freedom and classrooms look more like cages where they are pent up for hours.
“A good teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary”, said Thomas Carruthers. Before we consider ourselves professional teachers or even an expert teacher, we must first understand the way in which our students learn, how they are motivated to learn and what kind of environment would support their best learning. These questions have long been pondered by psychologists and teachers alike. Asa pre-service teachers, I believe it is important for us to also begin considering these questions and take them into account for our future teaching practices. Moreover, in order for meaningful learning environment, we need to create a safe and inclusive learning environment.
To a certain extent, it can be said that without a sense of motivation, whether it may be intrinsic or extrinsic, a child’s ability to learn and reach their potential is greatly lessened. Motivation is best described as an internal state that not only arouses and directs behavior but also helps to maintain it.
Motivation not only plays large role in a child’s learning ability, it also shapes a student’s interests and enjoyment of school and study. Tools for scaffolding students in a complex learning environment: What have we gained and what have we missed? Teachers as facilitators: what autonomy – supportive teachers do and why their students benefit.
The environment in school that ensures education friendly environment and optimizes wellbeing is ideal learning environment in school. It reflects a positive school ethos that makes the school an exciting, stimulation and welcoming place. It develops an explicit commitment to wellbeing. It also acknowledges individual differences and provides opportunities for all students to learn and succeed.
Moreover, it ensures students opportunities to participate in school decision-making processes and work to build safe learning spaces for students. Besides these, it works for making the curriculum relevant to the lives of students and assessing their learning. I think, if this environment is ensured in school, the students will find an enjoyable environment in their campus and learn everything fruitfully.
We should know one thing that joyful learning in childhood is a kind of learning process or experience which makes the children feel pleasure in a learning process. It is a powerful concept to change the way of managing schools and classrooms. In joyful learning classrooms are made an active, bright and cheerful place. The walls in classrooms are hung with colorful charts and craftworks. The learning load is reduced to a reality and achievable level. Language, mathematics and environmental studies are to be taught through art, craft, songs, dance and other activity oriented methods.
Joyful learning has created a veritable revolution in classrooms dealings. It is considered the breaking down of the traditional hierarchy that exists between teachers and students. Joyful learning method of classroom dealings not only gives a greater to autonomous the teacher but also creates the right atmosphere for the child to learn in a friendly and joyful way. Learning takes places systematically. In joyful learning method, a minimum level of learning can be scrutinized among all the students.
Learning is collaborative and harmonious, and the work is challenging in a way that sparks interest and excitement. As a result, teachers and students are happy and focused. As you observe ideal learning environments, you realize that everything just works. Terry Herick from Teach Thought understands what ideal learning environments need to thrive.
10 things that define ideal learning environments:
1. The students ask more questions than the teachers: Students get curious when they are engaged and excited about learning. From there, meaningful questions happen naturally.
2. Questions are valued over questions: Not just any questions either- these are the essential questions that spark real learning.
3. Ideas come from divergent sources: “Consider sources like professional and cultural mentors, the community, content experts outside of education and even the students themselves”, Terry advises.
4. A variety of learning models are used: Every student is unique and talented in the modern classroom. That’s why teachers in ideal learning environments cater to multiple learning styles and preferences.
5. Classroom learning “empties” into a connected community: Real learning starts and extends beyond the classroom. As such, learning is tailored to the world beyond school to ensure students success. As Terry says, “… has to leave the classroom because they do.”
6. Learning is personalized by a variety of criteria: This includes curriculum, pedagogy and the learning environment itself. It also incorporates the endless possibilities in front of us everyday for creating teachable moments.
7. Assessment is persistent, authentic, transparent and never punitive: Ultimately, the best assessment we can use with our students is continuous assessment. Still it is not started in our country. But govt takes step gradually to implement CA (Continuous Assessment) though it will take more time.
8. Criteria for success in balanced and transparent: We must involve students in the development, application and reporting of assessment as much as possible.
9. Learning habits are constantly modeled.
10. There are constant and creative opportunities for practice and growth: Getting feedback and not having the opportunity to act on it is limiting and counterproductive. And students must have utilized what the feedback we give in meant to teach them.
We just remember one thing that children are like as buds and clay. This is very important stage in human life. In childhood there are remaining lots of latent talent. If buds are nipped, that means lots of talent are destroyed in childhood. It’s our duty to awaken children latency. Children are like free bird and whatever he wants he can do that. By doing this, he will be an asset of our society.
An English poet William Blake wonderfully portrays his poem “The School Boy” such as present picture of schools. He says:
“How can the bird that is born for joy
Sit in a cage and sing?
How can a child, when fears annoy,
But droop his tender wing,
And forget his youthful spring!”
As a word, we can say that an ideal learning environment is badly needed for school going children and the environment must be joyful, fearless and annoyless. It must be pleasant. Present Govt. took some steps for joyful learning strategy and materializes by providing some materials for multimedia classroom which is very effective for joyful learning environment. Besides government, we should allow the children to be children- to run and play outside, to experience the benefits of nature and of the seasons. This practice is equally as beneficial to them as academic learning. So, importance of joyful learning in childhood is really great.
(Tangina Sultana is Head of the Department and Lecturer of English, Principal Kazi Faruky College).