An efficient and neutral police force is a need of time

WITH nearing of the election time, the members of Dhaka Metropolitan Police are asked to be more vigilant and cautious as many on-duty policemen are seen using the mobile phone, surfing the internet, watching videos or active in social sites. In an official order, DMP Commissioner Asaduzzman Mia instructed his fellow men not to use the mobile phone during duty hours and asked senior officials to enforce the instruction.
The instruction, if enforced, may bring discipline in the force and protect policemen from undue political influence and pressure. As the employee of the republic, police force should work without fear and favour and should have obedience only under the Constitution.
In the order, DMP said without full mindfulness, the police members could come under attack by miscreants or criminals and they even might lose their firearms. The force in-charge and deputy in-charge, however, would use the mobile phone.
As the election scheduled already been declared, police should be neutral in dispensing their duty that might ensure a level playing field for all. The alleged ghost cases against ordinary people without any solid evidence have already blurred the image of police.
Since Thursday when Election Commission declared schedule, all the executive power handed on the Commission as per the Constitution. If the Commission is wishful to exercise its legitimate power in ensuring level playing field, equal opportunity in the election campaign, and enforcement of electoral codes; it will need an efficient police force. It is anticipated that police might act professionally for ensuring fair election to establish peace and stability.
To get desired service from the police as a neutral force, the Home Ministry should rearrange the system thus none of them can abuse power.
