Amu urges Huawei to invest more in telecom sector

Economic Reporter :
Minister of Industries Amir Hossain Amu urged Huawei authorities to increase its investment in Telecom and Information and Communication Technology sectors in Bangladesh.
He made the call request while speaking at a meeting held at Huawei Research and Development Centre in Beijing yesterday, according to a press release issued on Wednesday.
The minister is now visiting China on the occasion of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF).
Amu said the world renowned telecom giant could support for sustainable development of the ICT sector further to build ‘Better Connected Bangladesh’.
At the meeting, State Ministers for Finance and Planning and ICT MA Mannan and Zunaid Ahmed Palak were present respectively.
Officials of the Huwaei Telecom informed the meeting that they had been working in Bangladesh since 1998 for development of the ICT sector and it was also working with Teletalk, BTCL, GrameenPhone, Robi, Banglalink.
Earlier, the minister visited Huawei factory and witnessed its latest innovations.