Amu urges entrepreneurs to involve in development activities


Economic Reporter :
Industries Minister Amir Hossain Amu on Tuesdayurged entrepreneurs to come forward to advance the country’s ongoing development activities for achieving Vision-2021 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“Bangladesh is moving forward by achieving success in various indexes, including per capita income, life expectancy and women empowerment….business community can play an important role to develop the country,” he said.
The Industries Minister was addressing the inaugural session of the 11th Asian International Trade and Tourism Expo 2017 at the International Convention City, Bashundhara (ICCB) in the city, a handout said.
He said the government is implementing a number of mega projects, including four-lane highways on Dhaka-Chittagong and Dhaka-Mymensingh roads, Padma Multipurpose Bridge Construction Project, Dhaka Metro Rail Project and Payra Deep Seaport, for developing the country’s infrastructure.
