Amu praises RAB role in making BD communalism-free


UNB, Dhaka :
Shrugging off the allegation that members of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) is being used politically,
Industries Minister Amir Hossain Amu on Thursday said Bangladesh is now largely free from communalism because of the exemplary role of the elite force.
“Bangladesh is now almost free from communalism because of elimination of Bangla Bhai and
militancy by Rab,” Amu told reporters. The Industries Minister came up with the remarks after a views-exchange meeting with senior Rab officials at the RAB Headquarters here in the morning, marking the 10th raising anniversary of the elite force.
Asked whether the government is using the elite force politically, the AL leader said, “RAB is being used in government works, not in any political purpose.”
Heaping praise on the elite force for its ‘tremendous role in eliminating communalism’, the minister said the RAB members rescued some 1,000 kidnapped people and arrested over 500 kidnappers since its inception 10 years back.
