America’s ‘3D’ policy, Kim Jong Un and fall of the Great Wall


M A Hossain :
In the heart of Beijing city, the palace of Xing and Ming dynasties stand as the most attractive tourism site. Chinese guides would narrate the history of the dynasties and even show the rooms been used to house the concubines, with a mysterious smile. Name of the palace is- Forbidden City. Ever since communist revolution in China, though the palace is become Forbidden City- a tourist attraction, by enlarge China actually has emerge as a communist rule forbidden country. For past few decades, communism and socialism have been falling in many countries in the world. It began with the fall of Soviet Union – more precisely fall of communism, which is the latest contribution in Cuba – where, following the death of Fidel Castro, socialism has already become lifeless. The mighty leaders of communism and socialism could not give birth to a new communist or socialist country during past couple of centuries. On the other hand, communism and socialism fell in many countries. Even today there is wind of change in Cambodia, Venezuela etc. But, the most important and significant events are developing in North Korea. Washington has specific, categoric and non-redundant policy for that part of the world.
At the first stage Washington though are demanding ‘Denuclearization’ from Kim Jong Un, the next demand will be ‘Democratization’, for sure. And the final episode would be ‘Displacing’ or ousting the decades old Kim dynasty thus planting Washington’s puppet government in Pyongyang. By doing so United States of America will actually open a ‘vendor’ store of democracy [in North Korea], where from instigation and encouragement of democracy would be consistently distributed with in the entire Korea-China border. People may argue saying, fall of communism in China is a day dream. I would like to remind them, if communism could fall like rubles on the streets of a global superpower Russia – it really is not impossible in case of China. The free market economy has already change the mind set of young Chinese population. They understand money more than politics. Cheating foreign buyers by hundred and thousands of Chinese so-called traders are rampant. Every year these rackets of Chinese fraudsters are stealing over 4 billion dollar from around the world. Chinese authorities very seldom take any action against such rackets. Meaning, the morality of communism has long been buried in Chinese society. Today’s China is nothing but a mock communism, solely destined in making money. For these reasons, communism in China has already become fragile.  
Policymakers in the US, the Trump administration and America’s intelligence agencies are fully aware of the poor state of communism in China. But they can’t do anything from Taiwan, Mongolia or even Hong Kong. Because, Mongolia and Hong Kong are already with in the tight grips of China; while Taiwan itself is suffering from extreme fear of invasion by Beijing. So, the only front to infiltrate into China is North Korea. To attain this crucial goal, Donald Trump either has to make extreme friendship with Kim Jong Un or turn him into an obedient pleasure boy of Washington. That is why; Donald Trump is talking about North Korea becoming ‘very rich’ if Kim Jong Un accepts the Denuclearization proposition. It will not be unlikely that after denuclearising, Washington and its allies may do everything possible to really turn North Korea into a very rich country. They may not even touch Kim Jong Un. Because America needs a glowing example for the communist rule Chinese people. A wealthy North Korea, after joining hands with the US will only prove [at least to the Chinese people] – communism and socialism can only make leaders affluent and rich. But it can not directly benefit the people. A new North Korea with a Western prescribed socialism, under the rule of Kim Jong Un actually is going to be an important test case for the US. Through this, Washington will allure other nations – more precisely China in abandoning communism and embracing the Western prescribed political theory.
(The author is a political and defense analyst in Bangladesh).
