Commentary: America must reinforce internal vigilance: Terrorists have no religion

The New York incident in lower Manhattan on Tuesday in which a driver plowed a pickup truck on a crowd killing 8 persons and injuring 11 others came as yet another shock to the city dwellers and people all over the world. Police said this is the deadliest attack on the city since September 11 in 2001 and it invariably reminds that terrorists are not stepping back no matter they are on the run from their self-declared Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
The killer driver, a US national with Uzbek origin is now in a hospital with critical injuries but made no secret that he was inspired by the ideals of the Islamic State during his stay in the America. So it is necessary to think why it has become easy to be radicalised from outside. He has told police that he was inspired by watching Islamic State videos.
We must say he can’t be a Muslim who kills, except by name but his action has put shame on the Muslims once again all over the world. But it can’t be denied that Islamist terrorists are not the only source of terror. We have always expressed doubts about who are using perverted Muslims as Muslim terrorists for creating enmity between Muslims and the Western World. Can anybody deny the fact most Muslim countries are pro-West.
It is difficult now to guess who is killing whom and for what. A man on Wednesday killed three persons in a Walmart Store in Colorado in indiscriminate shooting. Police said visibly he has no terrorist link. In yet another incident at Las Vegas, a lone gunman killed 59 people in a mindless shooting on October 3 at a music festival leaving over 500 wounded. Police recovered 23 firearms from his hotel room and evidence suggests he also has no terror link. But nonetheless he has killed so many people. Another man had shot 49 people in an Orlando city night club in recent past and reports said he had a history of mental sickness.
We have to fight terrorism not undermining any religion. The terrorists are anything but religious.
