‘America is back’ should mean resisting ‘assault’ on democracy


Editorial Desk :

President Joe Biden has told European leaders that the US wants to “earn back its position of trusted leadership”, in his first international speech to renew America’s commitment to the transatlantic alliance after four years of isolationism under Donald Trump.

Delivering his speech at the annual Munich Security Conference virtually on Friday from the White House Biden announced “America is back, the transatlantic is back” after four years of Trump administration that flouted foreign policy through an “American First” lens. America is now determined to re-engage with Europe, to consult with you, to earn back our position of trusted leadership, the American President said.


We could not agree with the President Biden’s evaluation more that “Democracy does not happen by accident, it is under assault around the world. We have to defend democracy, fight against autocracy,” he said, describing the partnership with Europe as the “cornerstone” of the American foreign policy and made clear commitment to NATO. He hinted the economic and security challenges posed by China and Russia, and sought to repair them through a daunting to-do list – salvaging the Iran nuclear deal and meeting damage caused by the pandemic – that would require close cooperation between the US and the Western allies. The world leaders resolved to work together to beat Covid-19 and “build back better.” On economic issues, the G-7 committed to “Cut emission and create good jobs on a path to net zero no later than 2050.” The G-7 countries agreed to prepare together for a long-term strategic competition with China, in particular, its economic abuses.

The White House also ditched Trump’s controversial efforts last year to reestablish the G8, which became the G7 after Russia was expelled in response to its seizing of the Ukrainian region of Crimea. On Iran, the White House said it wants to return to negotiation over the nuclear programme but has no intention to lift sanctions ahead of talks, the only demand set out by Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei.

In our view President Biden’s leadership of free world should be meaningful if poodle power is established in governance of a country. It has become easier without great power operation to deny people human rights, as can only be guaranteed under democracy, by partnership in corruption established through bureaucratic genius. With army, police and bureaucrats joining together in the game of corruption it is becoming a trend of depriving the people of their sovereign power safely. Violence and not human rights prevail. Blaming Russia and China for human rights violations will not go far because of the system of not believing in human rights. They support authoritarianism to extend their influence. The competition between the USA and the communist world must be won by victory of democracy elsewhere.
Authoritarian governments are assured of active support against democracy by expansionist policy of communism. Communism fears the people power.
