America Ethically Immoral With Election Debate


Mohammad Amjad Hossain :
It is really unbelievable to understand policy of Republican Party in the United States of America which derives its power from the people but now they are on the same boat of President Donald Trump to refuse to accept result of 3 November 2020 which awarded to Joe Biden, Democrat, who secured 306 electoral college votes while popular votes 81,283,495 but President Donald Trump 237 electoral college votes and 74,223,755 popular votes. Therefore, no reason to complain that fraud votes were cast whereas elections in USA are being protected.
According to the US constitution, the president should secure at least 370 electoral college votes to win the election. Having seen defeat his legal team headed by Mr. Rudy Giuliani has moved from earth to heaven to fight against so -called illegal and fraud voting. As of now all the lawsuits were practically thrown out by Judges though even appointed by President Trump. By now 50 lawsuits has been filed around the country. Lawsuit rests on numerous unfounded claims that have been rejected by Judges appointed by President Trump while his appointed Attorney General William Barr of the Department of Justice told the president last week there is no evidence of fraud that has changed the result of the election.
Having defeated lawsuit in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin Attorney General of Texas along with 126 Republican house members has moved lawsuit to the Supreme court requesting to declare 62 electoral college votes invalidate in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin but Supreme court brushed aside the lawsuit on 11 December defeating President Donald Trump’ unlawful move against presidential election which was held on 3 November this year in spite of pandemic coronavirus-19, Immediate past Governor of Ohio John Kasich in an interview to CNN on 10 December is reported to have commented that these 17 Republican Attorney Generals of Texas trying to overturn the legitimate election results in four states, There is really no other way to put it than to say” these people are morally and ethically bankrupt”.
The move by President Donald Trump appears to be incredible in the United States of America to challenge elections complaining of casting fraud votes. Having heard the decision of the Supreme Court Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi is reported to have said that 126 House Representatives of the Republican Party have signed into the lawsuit has brought dishonor to the House and chastising them for having chosen to subvert the constitution and undermining public trust in our sacred democratic institution. Professor of Law at the University of California Rick Hasen is of the opinion that the Supreme Court is not going to overturn the election in the Texas case, as the President has told them to do so. But we are in bad shape as a country that 17 states could support this shameful anti-America filing by Texas and its attorney general. Incidentally, Republican Senator from Nebraska Ben Sasse said in a statement; every American who cares about the rule of law should take comfort that the Supreme Court, including all three of President Trump’s picks, closed the book on the nonsense.
Hoodlum and threat against Governor of Michigan while death threat against Secretary of state of Arizona and Georgia has had repercussions in the country. There is hardly any scope to cast illegal votes as several agencies are working closely. Federal Bureau of Intelligence along with Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Homeland security along with Cyber security and infrastructure security agency. Gabriel Sterling, who is Georgia voting implement Manager, blasted Trump’s legal team for spreading lies. In spite of adverse campaign by Donald Trump group as many as 300 members of Republican party, including present Governor of Maryland of Republican, Mitt Romney, Republican Senator, former Chairman of Republican National Committee Michael Steel, immediate past Governor of Ohio John Kasich of the Republican party and John Bolton, former National Security adviser of President Donald Trump cast their votes in favor of democratic candidate Joe Biden.
Four years ago, Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton graciously conceded to Presidential candidate Donald Trump in spite of winning three million more votes than Donald Trump and Al-Gore accepted defeat following the verdict by Supreme Court in 2000.
The move by Texas plus 200 Republican members of Congress who took oaths to the constitution in fact violated the constitution while supporting the Presidential election to declare null and void 62 electoral college votes which won by Democratic candidate Mr. Joe Biden. This indeed is unprecedented in American history. The move has made a bad name for America around the world.

(Mohammad Amjad Hossain, retired diplomat from Bangladesh and former President Nova Toastmaster International club, writes from Falls Church, Virginia)
