Amena Begum Sinha passes away

City Desk :
Amena Begum Sinha, mother of Bank Asia’s sponsor Director and former Chairman Anisur Rahman Sinha and former Vice-Chairman Arifur Rahamn Sinha and wife of Late Habibur Rahman Sinha passed away on Monday at Apollo Hospital.
 She was 96 .
She left behind his three sons and three daughters and a host of relatives and well-wishers to mourn her death.She laid to rest at the Banani Graveyard after Namaz-e-Zanaja at Azad Mosque, Gulshan on Tuesday .
Qulkwani of late Amena Begum Sinha will be held at the residence of her son Mr. Anisur Rahman Sinha at House – 21, Road -56, Gulshan -2, Dhaka after Asr prayer on Friday . Relatives, friends, colleagues and well-wishers have been requested to attend the programme.
Members of the Board of Directors and the Management of Bank Asia has expressed deep shock at the death of Amena Begum Sinha. They prayed for the salvation of her departed soul and extended their deep condolence to the bereaved family members.