AL’s 67th founding anniv today

Staff Reporter :
The ruling Awami League has chalked out an elaborate programme to observe the 67th founding anniversary today (Thursday)
In 1949, the party was floated as Awami Muslim League by secular, progressive and young Muslim League leaders on a two-day [June 23-24] political workers conference at the historic Rose Garden at Abhoy Das Lane in the Old Dhaka City.
Prominent leaders, including Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman [later Bangabandhu and Father of the Nation] and Shamsul Haque played key role in founding the party. They were elected as president, general secretary and joint secretaries respectively of party during its formation.
After a few years, the party dropped the word ‘Muslim’ from its name. And it was renamed as Awami League to emerge as a secular political party apparently to keeping adjustment with the changing political scenario in the then East Pakistan.
In course of time, the AL turned into an organisation of the masses. The party led successfully all the national democratic and social movements including the historic Language Movement in 1952.
The AL-led United Front got landslide victory in 1954. Besides, the AL led a successful movement against anti-people education policy in 1962. Its six-point movement in 1966 and mass upsurge in 1969 showed the nation a path to democracy. The AL got historic victory in 1970 general election under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Party chief Bangabandhu delivered his historic speech declaring independence of Bangladesh from the then Race Course [Suhrawardy Uddyan] on March 7, 1971. Later, the nation achieved independence after a nine-month bloody Liberation War led by AL in 1971.
In the independent Bangladesh, the party faced tremendous obstacle after Bangabandhu was killed along with most of his family members on August 15, 1975.
But the AL remained active in all the democratic movements. It also played a vital role against Hussein Muhammad Ershad-led autocratic regime that fell in 1990. At present, the Awami League is the oldest political organisation in the country.
In observance of its 67th founding anniversary, the ruling Awami League has chalked out a daylong elaborate programme which include hoisting of national and party flags atop party offices across the country at dawn and placing of wreaths at the portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at 7am.
National and party flags will be hoisted on the premises of Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at Dhanmondi Road-32 in the city in the morning with the rendering of the national anthem while white pigeons and balloons will be released from the venue on the occasion.
Besides, a discussion will be held at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in the city this afternoon to mark the 67th founding anniversary of the party. AL President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will chair the discussion to be addressed by party stalwarts and prominent personalities of the country.