Allow rally or face hartal: Islami Andolon

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The Islami Andolon Bangladesh on Thursday warned that the party would enforce countrywide Hartal on Sunday if the government would not allow holding its scheduled rally.
Presidium member of Islami Andolon Bangladesh Maulana Mosaddeque Billah came up with the warning at a press conference, at the party headquarters in the capital, this noon.
Islami Andolon Bangladesh sought the government’s approval to hold a rally on Friday (Tomorrow) at Suhrawardy Udyan in the capital.
They announced the rally at the Udyan demanding punishment of former Posts, Telecommunications and ICT Minister Abdul Latif Siddique over his derogatory comments against hajj and Tablighi Jamaat in New York.
They also demand to make a law to try the atheists in the country.