Allegation against Headmaster in Bhola

A Correspondent, Bhola :
The headmaster of Shaheed Salam High School in Bhola is allegedly involved in irregularities as he has grabbed huge money from the school fund forging the signature of the school committee’s chairman.
A case also was filed in this connection with the Additional Judicial Magistrate of Bhola Court on April 13 this year.
 Sources said, headmaster of Shaheed Salam High School Soral Kumar Biswas has been grabbing money from school fund and involved in many irregularities.  
In 2015, the governing body of the school formed a probe committee to investigate into the headmaster’s corruption headed by Addul Wadud Master, Headmaster of Guinggarhat High School. Syed Nazrul Isalm and Md Kazi Tajul Islam were also the members of the probe committee.
The committee submitted their report and found Soral Kumar Biswas guilty as he took huge amount of money from the bank forging the chairman’s signature. The headmaster also is irregular in the institution. The committee also found his involvement in fake certificate business as he took money form two persons in the name of giving SSC certificates.
The probe committee recommended expelling the headmaster for his offence in the school.
Md Kazi Tajul Islam said, “We found Soral Kumar Biswas guilty in every aspect. A teacher of the school wishing anonymity told The New Nation that Soral Kumar Biswas always misbehaves with the teachers and students.
“He is not a good man. He sometimes offers the teachers to involve in corruption with him,” he said.
However, this correspondent could not reach Soral Kumar Biswas over mobile phone.
