Holy Ramzan: Allah listens to prayer

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
Supplication is very important. We express our need to Allah and seek His kindness. It displays our submission to His Will. It is an important aspect of servitude and firm belief.
The Holy Quran says, “When My servants/Ask thee concerning Me,/I am indeed/Close (to them): I listen/To the prayer of
every/Supplicant when he calleth on Me:/ Let them also, with a will,/listen to My call/ And believe in Me:/That they may walk/In the right way.” (Sura Baqara 2: Ayat 186, The Holy Quran: Translation and Commentary by Allama Yusuf Ali)
In the 185th Ayat of Sura Baqara the Revelation of Holy Quran during the month of Ramzan is mentioned. The 186th Ayat directs us for supplication. These verses are related with Ramzan, and emphasise its spiritual aspect.
During the Holy Ramzan we should seek forgiveness for our sins, thank Allah for bounties and invoke His help. Supplication purifies our souls, inspires us to do good deeds and guards against errors.
Rasulullah (Sm) in a sermon said ” … Do repent to Allah for your sins, and supplicate with your hands raised at the times of prayer, as these are the best of times, during which the Almighty Allah looks at His servants with Mercy, (He) answers if they supplicate, responds if they call, grants if they ask and accepts if they entreat … ”
Supplication is of great importance. It has special significance and merit in the month of Holy Ramzan. The Holy Quran was revealed in this month and the Lord of the universe bestows His Mercy, Forgiveness and Salvation to the pious people, who observe fasting and other related rituals according to His Commandments.
The verse of Sura Baqara mentioned here emphasises spiritual aspect of the nearness of Allah through prayer and supplication. Allah listens to us, forgives our sins, bestows on us His bounties and grants us Salvation in the life hereafter. We can believe that our prayer will be accepted.
Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Masud (Ra) narrated the Messenger of Allah mentioned : “In every night of Ramzan a proclaimer on behalf of Allah goes on proclaiming, O searcher of welfare, come forward and O searcher of evils, go back ; and after this the angel says, is there any repentant, whose repentance will be accepted ? Is there any seeker, whose things of seeking will be given? This proclaiming continues through every night.”
The supplication should never be narrow or self-centered. The prayer and supplication of every Muslim should be broad enough to seek the bounty and Mercy of Allah for the Ummah and ‘hidayat’ (guidance) for the greater human race, who are yet out of the shade of Islam. That is, one should aim for common good and welfare of the mankind at large.