All UZs to be taken under REB by 2018

Anisul Islam Noor :
Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BERB) will give electricity connection in 100 percent houses of 460 uapazilas by 2018 as per the government declared target.
In reply to a question about the progress of BREB, the State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid told the reporter yesterday that BREB has been playing an important role in providing electricity connection and developing transmission line in the rural areas.
He said, the government is working relentlessly to supply electricity to every house and bring 100 percent people under power coverage by 2021. At present, 76 per cent people are enjoying electricity facilities.
The women empowering and their participation in economic activities have gone up. At the same time, diversification in industrialization and employment opportunity have been created in the rural areas due to electricity connection, BREB chairman said.
The youths are able to engage themselves in different innovative activities and a massive change has appeared in socio- economic level in the rural areas said BERB Chairman Major General Moin Uddin.
Talking with The New Nation on Wednesday he said, BREB’s programme for cent percent power connection has been playing a significant role for digitalizing the country.
Meanwhile, 25 upazilas have already been brought under cent percent electricity connection in
December 2016, which will be inaugurated soon, he said.
In the current fiscal year, BREB will bring 146 upazilas under cent percent power connection facilities while rest 314 upazilas will be brought under this facility by next fiscal year, sources said.
In view of such initiative, BREB is implementing 14 projects at an estimated cost of Tk 31,026 crore and another seven projects are in pipeline for approval.
The member customers of BREB will exceed two crore in June 2017 from the existing 1.75 crore.
The government has awarded BREB for best performance in National Energy and Power Week 2016. Besides, the entity got ISO certificate in 2013 and IMS certificate in 2014.
BREB itself became digitalized during the period of this government. Applications for power connection and bill payment are being done through online. The entity follows E-gp tendering system.
BREB works to set 2000 solar power supported irrigation pumps of which 40 have already been implemented. The entity will set up 84 sub-stations and 40,000 kilometers electricity lines.  
After that 30 lakh customers will be able to enjoy special power connection facilities, sources said.