All urged to wear masks


With the bounty of birthday wishes pouring in especially from youths with whom he often interacts, Bangabandhu’s grandson Radwan Mujib Siddiq penned a reply on Facebook, thanking everyone and also urging all to wear masks to keep safe from Coronavirus.
“Thank you for the warm birthday wishes, everyone! The children have come up with an excellent plan to replace all meals with cake while we have a quiet one at home. A year ago, I was sure that things would be back to normal by now (the trouble with being an optimist), but there’s a long way to go before everyone is protected from the virus. There is light at the end of the tunnel but we can’t put our guard down yet, so please wear a mask and keep your loved ones safe. And thanks again,” wrote Radwan, also a trustee of the ruling Awami Leagues’ research organization CRI (Centre for Research & Information).
A politics and history graduate from the London School of Economics, Radwan is the editor-in-chief of WhiteBoard, the country’s first policy-based magazine providing insights from national and international academicians and experts.
He is credited with reviving the interest of youths in history by introducing an array of creative projects – the docudrama Hasina: A Daughter’s Tale, Joy Bangla Concert, Joy Bangla Youth Award, Mujib Graphic Novel.
As a co-producer of Hasina: A Daughter’s Tale, he channeled five years of efforts to portray the life of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina as a daughter of Bangabandhu, unlocking all the details at the home and abroad that could relate to the country’s darkest years of history. The film garnered global acclamation.
Joy Bangla Youth Award, behind which he was a brain, brought young changemakers across the country under the limelight and networked them to springboard their efforts.
His idea of bringing the life of the father of the nation Bangabandhu close to children through a graphic novel named Mujib (instead of telling history in an officious and bombastic manner) captured the imagination of children and pioneered the trend of bringing the life of a legend through comics.
