All e-Commerce information is in one site

Economic Reporter :
People who loved to shop in online NS Hut give them a huge opportunity to choose their perfect online market place. NS Hut, an online marketing e-Commerce Directory.
The directory will provide information about online market places and list of e-Commerce portals on the basis of categories of products, details of the related websites, contact addresses, website addresses, feed backs of the customers, online chat service.
It also provides all news of new offer, discount and new product.The directory has been launched keeping in mind that the buyers do not know where they can buy their required items. They take the decision depending on information obtained from different advertisements and individuals.
 Only large portals can make wide-range advertisement spending huge budget to popularise their service. As a result, the portal owners who have huge investment can make sales on large scale, but small and medium entrepreneurs suffer slow sales.
 This new directory would help small portals make their service popular, the company sources said, adding, with this the sales of these categories of portal owners would be able to increase their sales with the help of the directory, which can be visited at