Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor are getting engaged?

Love birds Ranbir Kapoor & Alia Bhatt took off to Jaipur along with Neetu Kapoor, Ayan Mukerji, Deepika Padukone & Ranveer Singh. Ranbir’s mother Neetu also shared some pictures on social media featuring Ranbir and Ranveer. As per the reports, the couple is all set to get engaged on New Year’s Eve. Speculations are quite high this time as in a recent interview, Ranbir Kapoor denoted Alia as his girlfriend and also accepted that they were about to marry in 2020 but the pandemic happened. Ranbir’s sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni also shared several snaps of arriving in Rajasthan. Reports also suggest that Mahesh Bhatt, Adar Jain, and other family members are also in the city to attend the function. Moreover, other reports are stating that the two stars are in the city for the Brahmastra shooting schedule. Well, rumors air is not clear yet and speculations about their engagement are
at a high peak. Recently on the Christmas occasion, Ranbir’s family and Alia’s family celebrated the 25th night together. In the picture, Riddhima’s family was also seen along with Bhatt’s family members. Their love saga starts on the set of Brahmastra and now after dating for a long time,
both have decided to get married.