Ali Reza Iftekhar, Managing Director of Eastern Bank Limited (EBL) and Christine Engstrom, Director of Private Sector Financial Institutions Division of Asian Development Bank (ADB), exchanging an agreement signing documents for $20m loan at a city hotel on Monday. Manmohan Prokash, ADB Country Director in Bangladesh and Hassan O. Rashid, AMD of EBL among others were present.

Ali Reza Iftekhar, Managing Director of Eastern Bank Limited (EBL) and Christine Engstrom, Director of Private Sector Financial Institutions Division of Asian Development Bank (ADB), exchanging an agreement signing documents for $20m loan at a city hotel
Ali Reza Iftekhar, Managing Director of Eastern Bank Limited (EBL) and Christine Engstrom, Director of Private Sector Financial Institutions Division of Asian Development Bank (ADB), exchanging an agreement signing documents for $20m loan at a city hotel