Ali Reza Iftekhar Managing Director and CEO of EBL signed a Participating Financial Institutions (PFI) Agreement with the Central Bank on Tuesday. Fazle Kabir, Governor, S.K. Sur Chowdhury, Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank, Takatoshi Nishikata, Chief Representative of JICA Bangladesh Office and Ahmed Shaheen, Deputy Managing Director of EBL were present among others on the occasion.

Ali Reza Iftekhar Managing Director and CEO of EBL signed a Participating Financial Institutions (PFI) Agreement with the Central Bank on Tuesday. Fazle Kabir, Governor, S.K. Sur Chowdhury, Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank, Takatoshi Nishikata, Chief Rep
Ali Reza Iftekhar Managing Director and CEO of EBL signed a Participating Financial Institutions (PFI) Agreement with the Central Bank on Tuesday. Fazle Kabir, Governor, S.K. Sur Chowdhury, Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank, Takatoshi Nishikata, Chief Rep