Alarming rise of rape incidents


POLICE on Saturday arrested a man on charge of raping a six-year-old girl in Brahmanbaria town. The arrestee Bachchu Mia, 60, of Shimrailkandi area in the town, is a coconut vendor. Newspaper reports said, the girl went to Bachchu’s Store to buy coconuts when he took her to a nearby bedding factory and raped her, the victim’s mother alleged. As the girl started screaming, Bachchu let her go and tried to cover up the incident, she said, adding, “Bachchu also sent Tk 500 to our home through a man so that we do not share the incident with anyone.”
The victim’s mother filed a case with Brahmanbaria Sadar Model Police Station following the day. Officer-in-Charge of the police station said they arrested the accused after the case was filed. The girl was sent to Brahmanbaria General Hospital for medical tests.
Incidents of rape have been increasing day by day where many women and girls have become victims of these unwanted incidents. Just a few days ago, a tenth-grader was allegedly kidnapped and raped by her brother-in-law several times at a hotel room in Patuakhali’s Kuakata beach town. The incident surfaced on May 17 when the victim’s family members filed a case with Kalapara Police Station accusing her brother-in-law and his accomplice Milon.
At least 44 children were either raped or subjected to attempted rape in the nine days between May 1 and 9, the rights body Manusher Jonno Foundation said on May 7. Of them, 41 were raped while three were killed after rape. Of the rape victims, 37 were girls and four were boys. We still didn’t forget the brutal incident where nurse Shahinoor Akter Tania was gang-raped and murdered in a running bus on her way home in Kishoreganj’s Katiadi upazila.
We see rape is a grave social aberration but it can be tackled if the approach is practical and not laced with idealistic manners. Only enacting laws are not enough to resist it. It also needs quick and proper implementation of law. If necessary, make the relevant law harsher. 
