Interview: Alam Shine

Alam Shinen is popularly known as a writer who loves to write about nature and natural life. Recently his written a novel Ghuney Khawa Banshi has been published. He has published 13 books and 750 articles. Feature Editor of The New Nation Sheikh Arif Bulbon took his interview.
New Nation: Tell us about the spelling of your name ‘Shine.’
Alam Shine: My certificate name was Shamsul Alam, nickname Shahin. My parents called me Shine. While starting writing I wanted to use the name Alam Shahin but my wife requested me to keep parents given name Shine. Later I wrote Alam Shine. From that to till now I am using this name.
New Nation: Recently your written novel Ghuney Khawa Banshi has been published in Bengali daily newspaper Manabkantho and We want to know about the similarity between its central role and writer Alam Shine.
Alam Shine: Incident of the novel is my adolescent age’s story. I have written the novel keeping its original theme and plot. You can mention it as my autobiography. Its 90 per cent is similar to my life.
New Nation: We can find description of natural beauty which is vividly narrated in your story. Did you add something while giving description of natural beauties?
Alam Shine: No, I did not comprise in this regard. The description which I stated in my write-up came from own observation in nature.
New Nation: Want to know your written number of books, essays and articles.
Alam Shine: except Ghuney Khawa Banshi number of books are 12. Comedy stories 130. Of them, 60 to 70 were published in daily Jonokontho. I have more 750 articles.
New Nation: How you can manage time to write articles, novels and others including nature oriented write-ups?
Alam Shine: Own spirit is the main strength to fulfil my desire. As an example, I can mention our Liberation War.
New Nation: For writing did u use specific time and place:
Alam Shine: Without specific place and time I cannot write-up. It must be my reading table and from 8:00pm to 11:00pm. Earlier I wrote till late night but not now.
New Nation: Can you tell me about your getting award for writing about Hazam community.
Alam Shine: My written story on Hazam community was published in daily Jonokontho and Kolkata’s Uddalok. Earlier nobody wrote about them. Later it got ‘Dr Monjushree Award 2008.’ To create awareness about environmental issues, I also received ‘Boston Bangla News Award 2015.’
New Nation: Is writing easy or tough job?
Alam Shine: Writing is really a tough job like to fight with crocodile in water. Always remain tense is there anything wrong. This thinking remains before publishing my write-up.
New Nation: Tell us something for the readers.
Alam Shine: Who are nature lovers they should read Ghuney Khawa Banshi and also to encourage all about to read it.
New Nation: Thanks for giving time.
Alam Shine: Welcome to you and The New Nation.