Alal says police seem to be our main opposition now

Staff Reporter :
BNP’s Joint Secretary General Moazzem Hossain Alal on Thursday said that it appeared that Police, not the Awami League, are our main opposition in the election campaign area.
He claimed Awami League and pro- Awami League organizations had attacked us in about 30 constituencies across the country during vote campaign.
After submitting a written complaint with the EC, the BNP Joint Secretary General briefed the reporters.
He said, “We went to EC on behalf of BNP and the Jatiya Oikyafront with senior leaders and former ministers. But sadly we were kept waiting for 30 minutes before we were informed that the EC would not meet us.”
To this, Moazzem Hossain Alal said, “What kind of behaviour it was!  
When Awami League workers and supporters attacked our candidates and activists in Dhaka and other parts of the country and even when our candidates were being arrested, we get no remedy from the EC.”
The BNP in a letter called upon the Election Commission to take effective steps so that the party and the JOF leaders feel secure and can conduct their election campaign in a free and fair manner.
BNP and Oikyafront’s candidates are being harassed and arrested and many of them are being attacked by the ruling party men during their campaign across the country, BNP said in the letter.
BNP Vice-Chairman Selima Rahman and Joint Secretary General Syed Moazzem Hossain Alal submitted as many as five letters to the EC seeking its steps on different issues to hold the upcoming general election in a credible and participatory manner.
Citing several instances of attacks carried out on their party men, BNP, in the letter, urged the EC to take legal action against the attackers so that the attackers refrain from such unlawful activities ahead of the election.
“The Election Commission will be responsible if it does not act accordingly,” said the letter signed by the party’s Standing Committee Member Nazrul Islam Khan.
BNP also asked the EC to ensure police protection for the candidates of the Oikyafront alongside its own candidates.