AL won’t sustain in power for a long time: Fakhrul

Staff Reporter :
BNP’s Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said, AL won’t sustain in power for a long time.
“Their dream to hold the elections without Khaleda will not come true. We will get her released and contest the polls. A farcical election cannot be acceptable,” said the BNP leader.
A group of Jatiya Party (Zafar) arranged the programme at the Jatiya Press Club, demanding BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia’s release from jail.
The BNP claims that the government is deliberately delaying Khaleda’s bail. “Prisoners in such cases get bail when they appeal, but the government is unjustly depriving Khaleda Zia of her rights,” Fakhrul said.
Fakhrul accused the executive of destroying all the democratic institutions.
The government is controlling the judiciary as well.
Referring to the Chief Election Commissioner’s comment that the Commission will not take any initiative to bring all the political parties to the next general election, Fakhrul said KM Nurul Huda’s remark has reflected the government’s desire.
“We know that you won’t take any move for an inclusive election as you have been made CEC to ensure
