AL turned mad driven by thirst for blood: Khaleda


UNB, Dhaka :Likening the ruling party with Dracula, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia on Sunday night said Awami League has gone mad driven by its thirst for blood.”Awami League has now turned crazy with their thirst for people’s blood. They’re killing people everywhere whenever getting a chance. They’re now on blood-sucking spree like Dracula,” she said.Khaleda, also a former Prime Minister, warned the government that its days are numbered as people are now united against its misrule.She came up with the remarks when the family members of slain Gafargaon municipality unit Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal general secretary Ibne Azad Komal’s family members met her at her Gulshan office.On September 8, Komal was hacked to death reportedly by the ruling party activists at Station Road in Gafargaon upazila in Mymensingh.Khaleda consoled Komal’s bereaved parents-Abul Kalam and Nurun Nahar-and wife Khadija Khanum. She also provided them with finical support of Tk 8 lakh.The BNP chief alleged that different forces of the government in connivance with the ruling party ‘cadres’ are killing people and making them disappeared in exchange for money.”We want to clearly sate that the consequence of the ruling party will be very dire for their indiscriminate bloodletting and misdeeds. It’ll be so worse that even people after the death of ruling party men will not utter ‘Innalillah’ as done by Muslims in shock.Khaleda asked her party leaders and activists to remain alert and move carefully to avert any destructive activities of the government.Referring to the infighting of the ruling party student body Chhatra League, the BNP chief said it seems that there is no government and the rule of law in the country. “The cadres of Awami League and Chhatra League are moving everywhere with arms but police have turned a blind eye to them.”Khaleda alleged that universities and educational institutions have now become dens of terrorism where the lives of teachers as well as students have become insecure.
