AL terms BNP-Jamaat a terrorist alliance


Staff Reporter :
Leaders of Bangladesh Awami League termed the BNP-Jamaat as terrorist alliance and said Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Chief Begum Khaleda Zia with support from Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami is pushing the country towards conflict.
“BNP had a plan to create anarchy in the country in the name of their public rally at Gazipur on Saturday. Because BNP has no strength to launch democratic movement,” they said. They also said that the BNP will have to face public wrath if it creates anarchy in the name of movement. About the scheduled Gazipur rally, the Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan said, “BNP wanted to create anarchy in the country in the name of their public rally on Saturday.”
The shipping minister said this while talking to journalists after the triennial conference of Bangladesh Teachers Association at Madaripur Public Institution here this morning. Communications Minister Obaidul Quader said every political party has the right to organize rally. But the government had information that the BNP could create anarchy in the name of rally in Gazipur. On the other hand, the BCL called a rally at the same place. That is why the government did not give permission to arrange rally.
Food Minister Advocate Quamrul Islam said the people would not tolerate if BNP creates anarchy in the name of movement.
“BNP has again been hatching a new conspiracy to destabilise the country in the name of movement. Will people take to the streets at the call of Khaleda Zia? We have witnessed their first rehearsal. No BNP workers took to the streets at the hartal call of BNP in Gazipur,” he said.
Advocate Quamrul Islam, also Joint-General Secretary of Dhaka City Awami League, said this while speaking as the chief guest at a roundtable at Dhaka Reporters Unity.
