Al-Shabab attack 30 civilians killed in south Somalia

Al Jazeera News :
At least 30 people were killed in twin bomb attacks claimed by al-Shabab at a busy traffic junction and a nearby restaurant in southern Somalia.
The attacks in Baidoa on Sunday were part of the armed group’s campaign of violence in its bid to topple Somalia’s UN-backed government.
“The official number of the dead has reached 30 people – all of them civilians – and 61 others have been wounded, 15 of them seriously,” Abdurashid Abdulahi, governor of the Bay region, told the AFP news agency.
Baidoa lies about 245km northwest of the capital, Mogadishu.
The death toll went up overnight after more people died at the hospital, and could rise further with several of the wounded in critical condition, Abdulahi said.
Al-Shabab storms beachside restaurant
The attack follows a car bomb attack in Mogadishu near a park and hotel on Friday that killed 14 people, police said. A police officer said a suicide car bomb blew up at the junction, while a second blast – possibly a bomb that had been planted or a suicide bomber – struck the restaurant.