AL now association for plundering : BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
Accusing ruling party men of indulging in ‘widespread corruption, BNP on Sunday said Awami League has now turned into an ‘association for plundering public money’.
Speaking at a workers’ meeting of its Dhaka city unit BNP at Mohanagar Natya Mancha, party secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir also alleged that the ruling parry has been suffering from BNP phobia.
“Awami League leaders are saying BNP will make Hawa Bhaban if it returns to power. I want to remind you that late national leader Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, annoyed by corruption and plundering by your party men during 1972-75, had said Awami League’s name should be renamed as ‘Nikhil Bangladesh Lootpat Samity’. It has now become an ‘Association for looting public money,” he said.
The BNP leader alleged that the ruling party leaders and activists are making money in the name of development while many people are going through immense sufferings for lack of food. Fakhrul also said the Awami League leaders are also siphoning off huge money they have amassed through corruption.
He alleged that the government has turned the entire country into a torture-cell for the BNP leaders and activists to suppress them and to keep them away from politics.
The BNP leader said, though Awami league leaders often say BNP has no existence, they are busy criticising BNP and its activities. “Why do you suffer from BNP phobia? Why do you suffer from a nightmare that BNP is coming to power when you think it has become a frail party?
About the next general election, he said it must be held under a neutral administration ensuring a level-playing field. “Otherwise, people won’t allow any farcical election to be held.”
He said, the Prime Minister has given people an impression that her government has constructed the 80-km Cox’s Bazar-Teknaf marine driveway by inaugurating it. “The work on marine drive began during the Khaleda Zia-led government. Not only that, the work on turning the Cox’s Bazar Air Port into international one also began during the BNP’s government.”