AL needs another term, says PM

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday said Awami League needs another term to implement big and mega projects to make Bangladesh a middle-income country in true sense. “We need another term to implement the mega projects we have taken,” she said. The Prime Minister said this in her introductory speech at an AL central working committee meeting at her official residence Ganobhaban. The country’s overall development will get a boost on completion of these projects as Bangladesh will become a hunger- and poverty-free middle-income country with that, she said. Sheikh Hasina, also the AL chief, said her party thinks there will be continuation of development if it remains in power. She mentioned that her government had been able to continue the development projects taken during its 2008 term as it returned to power in 2014. “It’s not possible for people to get the results of development without the continuation of the government,” Hasina said. As the Awami League has been in power since 2009, she said, the country’s GDP reached 7.24 percent, while the per capita income touched USD 1602. “The budget for the current fiscal is more than Tk 400,000 crore with 90 percent of the development budget coming from internal resources.” In 2021, the PM said, Bangladesh will celebrate the golden jubilee of its Independence. “Of course, our aim is to celebrate the golden jubilee remaining in power and make the country a developed and prosperous one,” she said adding that the government has formulated a 10-year long vision with the eye on this issue. Hasina mentioned that the Awami League also wants to celebrate the birth centenary of
 Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman remaining in power. “By the time, we’ll make Bangladesh free from poverty and hunger to be a prosperous nation as dreamt by the Father of the Nation,” she said. Hasina said the government implemented the fifth and sixth five year plans while implementing the seventh five year plan. “If we can implement part it, people will never suffer from hunger.” Talking about the democratic system that started from 2008 and 2014 election, she said people will cast their votes in the next election as per their choice. “It’s their liberty, their basic right, democratic right, this is the right of people, their constitutional right, this will continue. People will exercise their franchise. Those will come to whom they want to,” she said. Terming the AL the symbol of development, she said if it returns to power that will mean the country’s development. “Other than this party (AL), whoever comes to power they will unleash a reign of looting,” she said. Putting the ball on people’s court, Hasina said the decision has to be taken by people. “They’ll have to take the decision whom they want and how they want,” she said.