AL men attacking opposition campaigners: Afroza

Afroza Abbas, wife of Mirza Abbas campaigning in favor of her husband’s DSCC Mayor post in Kamrangir Char area, outskirt of the capital on Friday.
Afroza Abbas, wife of Mirza Abbas campaigning in favor of her husband’s DSCC Mayor post in Kamrangir Char area, outskirt of the capital on Friday.

Unb, Dhaka :Afroza Abbas, wife of BNP-blessed mayoral candidate for Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) Mirza Abbas, on Friday accused the ruling party men of intimidating and assaulting their activists, and demanded that her husband be allowed to carry out his electioneering.”They (AL) are intimidating us in various ways during our election campaign. Even, they attacked our activists at different places,” she said.Afroza brought the allegation while talking to reporters during her electioneering in Kamrangirchar area.She began her campaign around 10am from Jhauchar of Kamrangirchar by distributing leaflets and seeking vote in favour her husband’s election symbol ‘Mug’.Afroza who has been campaigning for Abbas since April 8 as he is yet to get bails in various cases, conducted frantic campaign at the ward-No 55, 56, and 57 of Kamragirchar.She harshly criticised the government for what she said its repressive acts. “It’s a repressive and autocratic regime. It has established a reign of terror by resorting to killings, enforced disappearances and terror acts.”
