AL leaders got perverted: Fakhrul

UNB, Dhaka :
In a scathing attack on ruling party leaders for what he said their unguarded remarks, BNP acting secretary Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said the remarks of ministers and Awami League ladders give an impression that they are perverted.
“The words the ministers of the illegal regime and Awami League leaders use that suggest they are perverted. Some of them say about ‘beating up like a stray dog’, some other want to ‘break hands and legs’ while some others want to ‘peel off skin’,” he said.
The BNP leader came up with the remarks while addressing the 20-party’ s component Labour Party’s Dhaka City unit’s council at the institution of Engineers, Bangladesh.
He criticised the government for its growing repressive acts to subdue the opposition. “The repression of the current regime has outshined that of the Pakistani occupation forces.”
Fakhrul also alleged that the government is conspiring to remove the elected opposition-supported public representatives of the local government bodies from their offices by implicating them in ‘false’ cases.
“The country is going through a critical juncture. The current regime has resorted to various evil designs to wipe out its opponents and different opinions. They’ve established a reign of terror across the country and turned the entire country into a jail,” he observed.
He called upon people from all walks of life to get united to save the country from the grasp of repressive regime and its misrule.
“Awami League is not a pro-people party. The government of the party is not elected with people’s votes. So, they have no right to cling to power. This power usurper regime is unleashing a steamroller on people to perpetuate their power,” the BNP spokesman alleged.
Fakhrul said the aim of their movement is only to ensure a fair election under a non-party administration where people can freely exercise their voting right.